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싸이 최신 미국방송 영어실력 말춤 교습? MTV VMA 영어인터뷰 동영상


by 김타쿠닷컴 2012. 9. 10. 00:17


How to "Gangnam Style" Dance Tutorial with PSY and Michelle Park

during the interview at NY1 studios - 

PSY: I think I'm handsome, but people say I'm not handsome.

Me: Really?

Psy: Yea. do YOU think im handsome?

Me: (looking at him...) sure, I think you're handsome.

Psy: did you get that on camera?????

i really had the BEST time interviewing PSY - so much fun hanging out and learning the horse riding dance :) OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!


싸이 최신 미국방송 영어실력 말춤 교습? 
PSY Gangnam style tutorial step by step

I interview K-Pop superstar PSY, and he teaches me how to do the horse riding dance from his hit song "Gangnam Style."

Despite my lack of coordination, he's not a bad teacher.

South Korean rapper Psy teaches "Gangnam Style" at VMA's

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