How often do you dye your hair, Sue? Oh, once in a blue moon. ごくごくたまに. You should dye it pink. You're kidding! Pink hair would go well with your rosy cheeks. would は仮定法.バラ色の頬 Aw, shucks! 困っちゃうな(照れを含んでいる表現) Actually, you look good with gray hair. 綴り「grey」もある Not as good as you do, Raymond. You're just saying that. 口ばっかり,本心じゃないでしょ. No, I'm not. You're quite the silver fox! ギンギツネ.
【U R the ☆!】
All: That was fun and well done!
How often do you go to karaoke?
Oh, once in a blue moon.
You should go more often, it's fun.
If you take me, I will!
All right.
【Say It!】
K: それではKatieさん、are you ready, three times in one breath?
KA: Yes, and I can promise that this is probably something I will never say to you or Jeff.
K: これは僕はJeffさんにはちょっと言えないかもしれませんが。
J: I appreciate that.
K: では聞いてみましょう。
Pink hair would go well with your rosy cheeks. Pink hair would go well
with your rosy cheeks. Pink hair would go well with your rosy cheeks.
All: We're tickled pink for you again!
【Listen for It!】
KA: Sign me up!
【Try It in a New Situation!】
K: So, Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
KA: Well, hum along. They sing their lines to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean."
K:二人は「マイ・ボニー」の旋律に合わせてセリフを歌う。Best of luck!
How often do you dye your hair, Sue?
Oh, once in a blue moon.
You should dye it pink.
You're kidding!
Pink hair would go well with your rosy cheeks.
Aw, shucks! Aw, shucks!
Actually, you look good with gray hair.
Not as good as you do, Raymond.
You're just saying that.
No, I'm not. You're quite the silver fox!
KA: Head for number one. I'm sure.
K: Oh, well. That was fun in the golden years.
KA: Yes.
K: And it sounded just like that. It should be a little more often than that.
J: Yeah. I think so, too.
KA: You're right.
K: Great. Well, that's about it for today, so until next time